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Postdoctoral Positions:

We have multiple postdoctoral openings that focus on the following aspects:
  • Systems analysis for materials and chemicals derived from biomass. Candidates who have publications related to process simulation using Aspen Plus, LCA, TEA with backgrounds in Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or other relevant backgrounds are highly encouraged to apply.
  • Carbon analysis and dynamic modeling for forest and wood-based fuels, chemicals, and products. Candidates with relevant experience and publications are highly encouraged to apply.
  • Impact assessment of land use changes and biomass utilization. Candidates with strong modeling skills in ecosystem models, such as DayCent and DNDC, are highly encouraged to apply. 
  • Environmental impact assessment of nature-based solutions for carbon removal

Position details can be found:

Postdoc Position in Biomass Process Modeling and Sustainability Assessment

Postdoc Position in Sustinable Computing.

If you are interested, please contact me with your CV, recent publications, and a list of three references. 
Ph.D. and Master Students:
Multiple openings are available in our group. We are looking for self-motivated graduate students who are interested in conducting research related to bioeconomy and sustainable production. Most students in the lab have experience in some combination of LCA, TEA, engineering/process simulation, mathematical programming, or systems analysis. I am happy to advise or co-advise students interested in applied and/or interdisciplinary research. 
You are strongly encournged to apply if you have backgrounds in Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, or Mechanical Engineering and research experience/publications relevant to biomass conversion, carbon capture, and renewable energy. 
PhD Position details can be found: 
If you are interested in joining the lab as a PhD student or research-oriented Masters student, please check the research page of the group and provide a CV, transcripts, and a research statement when contacting me.  The research statement should explain what research questions you would like to pursue, what research experience and expertise you already have gained, and why you wish to work with me. 
- Yuan Yao